jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013

Sanlúcar no está por la labor de recuperar la Vía verde

Sanlúcar is not the work of recovering the Greenway

Ecologists in Action report again showing disinterest Team-CIS PSOE Government, to recover the old train line that ran from Sanlúcar Chipiona to make it the Greenway Entre Rios (Guadalete-Guadalquivir).

Ecologists in Action localities Rota, El Puerto de Santa Maria and Sanlucar, and CANS Chipiona (Club Friends of Nature Scipionis), organized for Sunday May 19, the third day of leisure and demanding, calling on all governments, both local and provincial, recovery of old railway line that came from Sanlúcar, passed by Chipiona and Rota, and ended in the Port of Santa Maria, to make it the Greenway Entre Rios (Guadalete-Guadalquivir).

Since 1997 these environmental groups are claiming that the route between Northwest Coast peoples, what could practice pedestrians, disabled, cyclists and riders, remains a significant boost as a tourist resource, economic and environmental, to take into account political groups that govern each of the towns that runs this route.

Unfortunately we have to say that the opposite is happening, while in the neighboring town of Chipiona and finally being carried out this task conditioning Greenway Entre Rios, in the remaining municipalities there is an absolute neglect for this project is launched. A very close example is the Sierra Greenway, on which at first no bet, since our organization conducted workshops, marches, meetings, rallies, to raise awareness closer to the economic benefits to the region of the Sierra de Cádiz, now today no political representative who does not defend this project, one of the leading eco-tourism in the province.

We therefore call on the government team PSOE-CIS and especially when the mayor of our town, Irene Garcia, the provincial leader of the Socialist party because they are projects like this that can be a significant attractant for the entire West Coast, where light, beach, nature, history, cuisine and sport can be fused and can benefit both in their recovery, development, and maintenance job creation, so necessary in the province. In the same sense, we want to go to the Delegate of Environment, Ramon Rodriguez, who Ecologists in Action in the many items on the local Council for Environment, we consider it a priority, but as still summon this organ involvement, shows a clear intention to promote such initiatives.

Of all the existing sections in different localities, the Sanlucar to Chipiona limit is smaller, no more than 5 miles, if we count from the bus station to the limit of the municipality, in the Riherta. Currently is impracticable and many pedestrians and cyclists, prefer not to use them for the countless potholes that come in its path. They prefer to travel on alternative streets running in some cases serious danger

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